
Category: digital marketing

Mediapasta is a provides services of digital marketing in india and its also known for its top digital marketing companies in india as they offer best services at affordable prices.

A few excellent Off-Page SEO techniques

Search Engine Optimization improves traffic to your website and makes it sufficiently visible to your customers. Well, it is not an easy thing to achieve it as Google keeps on altering its algorithms periodically and your SEO strategy has to be contemporary to it. Experts say that it is a comprehensive approach. Amongst several techniques, On-Page Optimization and Off-Page Optimization are widely used by a digital marketing agency in gurgaon. What is On-Page SEO? By the term On-page, we mean whatever you do to enhance

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Why is SEO still relevant in 2017?

There have been many changes in the digital marketing strategy in the recent years, but nothing could replace the Search Engine Optimization or SEO. Yes, it is still one of the basic requirements when you want to showcase your brand, company or service in the world of Internet. What makes SEO perpetually relevant? Well, there are two reasons. First is Google makes changes in the website ranking logic frequently. Some changes are so massive that SEO strategy has to be revamped completely. Secondly, it becomes

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Make sure your digital marketer bothers about revising the Ad copy

Digital marketing is required to enhance your web presence. It is a niche that requires specialized techniques. When you hire a digital marketing company in Mumbai, it appoints professionals who know how to achieve it successfully and effectively. Amongst various tools and techniques of digital marketing, there is always a scope for optimization. Whether it is about deciding the right keywords or landing page, establishing right links or writing good content; refinement is always needed. Does your Ad copy make a difference? According to digital

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Customer-focused digital marketing will be the winning strategy in 2017

Digital Marketing experts had a tough time last year because of the unexpected twists and turns in the global scenario. At one side, they had to struggle with the technical trends such as automation, change in the mindset of customers and many other things. If you ask any of the digital marketing companies about the year 2016, then the remark will not be positive. We welcome the New Year with great enthusiasm and positivity. It will bring a great time to the companies trying hard

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When the world goes cashless, make your Ecommerce store visible by these digital marketing tips

As the rampant situation created by the decision of banning higher denomination currency note get settled, people are trying to get acquainted with new-age methods of going cashless. Yes, it is the buzzword today. When everyone is going for it, there is certainly a great time ahead for Ecommerce stores. The business will increase manifold and revenue graph will touch the rooftop. Having said it, one must follow the effective techniques of enhancing the visibility of the Ecommerce store so that optimal results can be

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